Monday, October 10, 2011

Flying By

Y'all! Somebody should fire me from my own blog. I'm so bad at this! Unfortunately, I've started forgetting to take belly pics every week. I guess it is the nature of the beast...I'm pregnant, so pregnant brain is to blame right? I'm 23 weeks now, but all I have to show for is 20 and 21 weeks, which is a shame because my belly is growing in full force these days. I'm talking bustin' through pants, catching all my spills, and preventing leg-shaving. Okay that last one might be a stretch, but I'll take it!

We had our big 20 week ultrasound and everything looked great. We didn't see any revealing body parts, so the gender is still a mystery. Yippee!

One of my BFs had a baby 2 weeks ago. I got to hang out in the hospital and see her do some amazing laboring. She was a champ, delivering that baby all natural for TWENTY ONE hours!! It made me wish (once again) I could deliver a baby the way god intended my body to. I try not to throw myself a pity party too often, but I just feel like I'm missing out. Although I'm so thankful that because of everything, Kyler and I are healthy.

I guess with being less than 4 months away from meeting this baby, and with the holidays, and with my sister having a BABY GIRL just 2 months before me, I should really make some progress on the nursery. Well, I better get to pinning...


  1. Aw, you look so cute! You finally have a bump!

  2. you are waaay too cute girlie! Can't wait to find out if Baby K is another boy or if you're joining the girl "team" ;)

  3. You look so great!! Congrats on # 2 by the way :o) Not finding out the sex is tough...but SO WORTH IT!!! There is no greater surprise, I promise. And don't worry about not being able to connect with the baby since you won't know the will (if you haven't already :o))

  4. Look how cute and stylish you are!!!!
