Sunday, October 30, 2011


Don't even ask about the belly pictures because I have gotten so bad, I haven't even take one since the last one I posted! And I'm almost 26 weeks! Oops!

This fall has been soo much fun. Kyler and I have checked out as many pumpkin books as you can find at the library, been learning about them all month, and have gotten to visit many a pumpkin patch. These are some photos from one of our trips to the Arboretum. He is at this stage where he won't look at the camera and when we
try to pose him, he gets really mad. So picture taking was a real joy.

And can we please just take a minute to appreciate the best picture ever taken. This was one year ago. And does he not look like the most fat, mischievous little pumpkin ever?

I miss those rolls so much! The kid cannot keep any weight on these days, he is so darn active. Maybe I should start up breastfeeding again since that plumped him up in a matter of days! Now that would be awkward....

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that was Kyler a year ago! I barely even remember him looking like that. I love the very first picture of him in the pumpkin patch. He is such a cutie.
