Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ode to our Small Group

As the summer is rolling around, friends are moving, people are off serving in other countries (cough cough Melissa and Jeff), and babies are soon to be born...I can't help but get a little (okay a lot) sentimental about our changing small group.
We have been blessed to have been a part of an amazing small group over the past year. With people from different churches, different walks of life, but all somehow placed in our lives just perfectly, we have been able to form a group that has really grown together as a family. We have learned together, worshiped together, served together, given together, prayed together, played together, and partied together. This year would not have been the same without them.

We are so thankful for our amazing Tuezday Nightz. We have really enjoyed having fellowship with these people every week (even if it was just a divine trip to Baskin Robbins sometimes) and we can't wait to see what's in store.

Murder Mystery Pics stolen from Amanda

1 comment:

  1. Aw! I love this. We're going to miss everyone so much! But I do agree, this year would not have been the same without our Tuezday Nightz. And I'm just going to note how funny it is that the name "Tuezday Nightz" actually stuck!
